At Land of Learning our core values are centred on the concept of being a good FRIEND. These core values help towards mental health and well-being.
Mental Well-being at Land of Learning Primary School
In Islam, mental health, similar to physical health, is a very important aspect in a person’s well-being, as it is integral to living a healthy and balanced life. Land of Learning Primary School is a mentally healthy school in which we adopt a whole-school approach to mental health and well-being. Here at Land of Learning we help children flourish, learn and succeed by providing opportunities for them, and the adults around them, to develop the strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience. Land of Learning Primary School sees positive mental health and well-being as fundamental to its values, mission and culture. We are a school where child, staff and parent/carer mental health and well-being is seen as ‘everybody’s business’. Every member of the school community: staff, parents and pupils, is valued and their mental health and well-being is catered for in a way that suits their individual needs.
What is our whole-school approach towards mental well-being?
Our whole-school approach is about developing a positive ethos and culture – where everyone feels that they belong. It involves working with families and making sure that the whole school community is welcoming, inclusive and respectful. It means maximising children’s learning through promoting good mental health and well-being across the school – through the curriculum, early support for pupils, staff-pupil relationships, leadership and a commitment from everybody.
Health and well-being for our Pupils
We want all children and young people to be able to learn about health and well-being to ensure they acquire skills to live healthy, happy lives. Health and well-being is also about ensuring that pupils are able to make the most of their educational opportunities regardless of their background or financial circumstances and through promotion of attendance at school. We have provided a range of resources to ensure children feel happy, safe, included and respected in their learning environment.
Supporting staff well-being
Well-being is all about our holistic health, including the physical and emotional. When we have good levels of well-being we feel that life is in balance and that we can generally cope well. We feel motivated and engaged, we’re resilient and able to deal effectively with daily troubles, as well as ’bounce back’ from life’s challenges. Good staff well-being is essential for cultivating a mentally healthy school, for retaining and motivating staff and for promoting pupil well-being and attainment.
Useful Links:
A public health England and NHS site to help people take simple steps to look after their mental health, improve their mental well-being and support others.
Quality-assured information, advice and resources to help primary schools understand and promote children’s mental health and well-being.
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people.
Cosmic Kids Yoga – designed especially for children
Useful documents:
Building your child’s confidence and resilience
Helping children cope with change
Conversation starters for parents
Ten ways for parents to help children cope with change
Mindful moments in difficult times
Help your child understand and cope with change
0116 273 5431
0116 273 5431