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Hadith of the Week

Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]

Year 3

Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 page of this website. We use the National Curriculum as a general guide; but allow time for more in depth study, making our curriculum challenging and interesting!

In English the children have many opportunities to expand their vocabulary through a range of reading activities. This assists their ability to write creatively about settings, characters and events. They learn about poetry, reports and play scripts which they then have the chance to perform as part of their speaking and listening.

In Maths we have fun by challenging the children to work with numbers up to 1000, work out calculations in their heads and know their times tables by heart. We also work on fractions, division, solving simple number problems and explaining graphs and charts. Among other things, by the end of the year, the children should be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes, recognise right angles and lines of symmetry, and use pounds and pence!

Long Term Plan

Year 3 Long Term 2023-2024


















5-11 Evington Drive, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431

5-11 Evington Drive, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431
