
Upcoming Events

  • 15 Jul 2024
    Summer Holiday Starts

Hadith of the Week

Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]


School Fees

Reception class-foundation 2

No child may register or attend any other playgroup/nursery/school at the time of registering with Land of Learning since this may affect the allocation of the Nursery Education Grant to which your child may become entitled. In the event of no notification, termination of your child’s place may result and full charges will be incurred.

Charges will not be incurred when the school is closed for holidays. Charges will still need to be paid if your child is absent for any reason.

The criteria for the fees structure is as follows:

The fees will be due the term after your child reaches five, see below:

(a) If your child’s date of birth falls in the first term (1st September – 31st December) of the academic year, you will be paying fees for 2 terms.

(b) If your child’s date of birth falls in the second term (1st January – 31st March) of the academic year, you will be invoiced for 1 term.

(c) If your child’s date of birth falls in the final term (1st April – 31st August) of the academic year, there will be no charge.

Kindly note: Fees are payable only by standing order and payment must be made by the 3rd of each month over 11 months. If fees are not received on time your child will risk loosing his or her place at Land of Learning. Teachers will not be responsible for collecting the fees.

Year 1 – Onwards

When your child starts in Year 1 he/she will no longer be funded.   The annual school fee will be £2200, which includes the cost of P.E sessions.  Please note for Yr4, Yr5 and Yr6 there will be an extra charge for professional swimming instructors. Fees are payable only by standing order over 11 months at a cost of £200 per month from September – July. Payment must be made on the 3rd of each month

Termination of Place

F2 pupils

If you wish to terminate you child’s place, one clear half terms notice in writing is required. Failure to submit sufficient notice will result in one half terms fee in lieu of such notice.

Year 1 onwards

One half terms notice is required. Failure to submit sufficient notice will result in one half terms fee in lieu of such notice.

The Land of Learning Management reserves the right to change the terms and conditions/fees as and when necessary.  Parents will be notified of any changes.

5-11 Evington Drive, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431

5-11 Evington Drive, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431
