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Hadith of the Week

Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]

Packages for the homeless shelters

During the Halaqah sessions, children studied beautiful examples of the selflessness shown by our pious elders of the past. Inspired by the lessons they had learnt, the children came together to create wonderful food and warm clothing packages for the homeless. Tins, packets of pasta, biscuits and other food essentials as well as winter clothing such as gloves, hats and socks were collected over the course of a few weeks, after which our children evenly divided the items ready to be distributed to a local homeless people shelter.

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431
