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Hadith of the Week

Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]

FUN DAY 2023

We invited along all the parents so the children could experience the joy with their loved ones! It was delightful to see so many familiar faces and meet all of you who joined us!

We had the fire roaring for our very own playground BBQ and the perfect mocktails being made fresh, in-house to accompany the fantastic weather Alhamdulliah.

The bouncy castle indoors was a massive hit alongside the face painting and mendhi thanks to our very talented teacher/parent artists!

To add to all this fun, we had a lucky dip, penalty shoot-out, sunglasses decorating, canvas painting, badge making, popcorn, candyfloss, ice cream van and much more!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents/carers for their continued support, and we look forward to hosting you again in the coming academic year InshaAllah!




5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF 0116 273 5431 office@landoflearning.co.uk

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF 0116 273 5431 office@landoflearning.co.uk
