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Hadith of the Week

Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]

Comprehension Skills – PAP session

As part of our Parent as Partners we invited parents during week beginning 2nd of December 2019,  to come and work with their children on comprehension activities using VIPERS.

Aims of the PAP session:

  • To understand how we teach reading throughout the school
  • To understand how we teach comprehension skills through VIPERS
  • To have the opportunity to experience aspects of a VIPERS lesson
  • To further understand comprehension skills and how to help at home

Parent feedback:

” I really liked the session. It is good to see what they’re expected to be able to read and understand and it’s always fun to be here and do the session with my child. We are a big fan of PAP sessions!”
Year 2 Parent

” A very informative session. Enjoyed the session.”
Year 3 Parent 

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431
