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Hadith of the Week

Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]

Ramadhan 2022

The school was buzzing with many special activities organised by teachers such as making chocolate covered dates for families, to creating sadaqah boxes to be filled during the holy month. Children were reminded of the significance of charity and helping the less fortunate and even more so during Ramadhan. Together with this, the Year 5 children were given the opportunity to volunteer at the local food bank, where they put together food parcels, sorted through food items and were given a guide of how the food bank operates. This was an eye opening experience for our children, giving them an insight into the sad reality of the lives of many around us.

As the children returned from their 2-week break, the excitement of Eid preparations began! Children prepared beautiful Eid gifts for 40 of our school neighbours, acting upon the hadeeth of our Prophet s.a.w. about the rights of our neighbours. The neighbours were extremely touched by this gesture, showering the children with words of kindness and duas. With heavy hearts, we bid the month of Ramadhan farewell, ending with an Eid assembly. We pray to Allah SWT that he accepts our little efforts and worship we were able to carry out during this special month.

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431
