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Rasulullah ﷺ said, “Be kind to your neighbour and you will be a (complete) mu’min.” [Tirmidhi]

School Elections 2019

The atmosphere at the polling station was calm and quiet. Children and staff alike queued up in neat, orderly lines, waiting to present their polling cards and receive their ballot sheets. Solemnly, they marched over to the polling booths and cast their votes, before heading to the ballot box, big smiles on their faces! Finally, the doors were closed and the poll counters began the tedious task of counting the vote.

Thursday 12th of December 2019 was a memorable and an exciting day for the pupils of Land of Learning! The children had their very first voting and election experience!

Prior to the election, the student councillors had formed different parties and pledged to improve the school in different areas:

  • The Active Kids Team: who aimed to get goal posts for the school to promote sports and healthy bodies.
  • The Caring Pet Party: who promised to get a school tank
  • The Green Team: who pledged to make the school a cleaner and greener place by providing class plants.
  • The Read Team: who pledged to improve reading across the school by revamping the school library.

The candidates held assemblies, campaigned and spoke to pupils and staff to gain their support. After a long few weeks on the campaign trail, the candidates settled down in front of their audience, waiting in nervous anticipation, for the result to be declared.

 A hush settled over the audience. All eyes were fixated on the screen. Which party would win? And then… a large hooray could be heard as the results were read out. The Caring Pet Party had won! Land of Learning welcomed some new animal friends!

Our school Election helped teach children vital skills in citizenship, equality and fairness and they were  taught the importance of democracy.

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KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

KODAK Digital Still Camera

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431

5-11 Evington Dr, Leicester LE5 5PF
0116 273 5431
